Sunday, March 12, 2000


Carneval !

We've had another full and exciting weekend. Friday night was fun with the kids because P. went to Paris after work, so we made a big mess, ate dinner with our fingers and baked gingerbread men and ladies for the school afternoon tea.

I went to a Red Cross jumble sale on Saturday morning and bought myself a skirt and trousers, and gumboots and a woolly hat for Kevin. After lunch I took the kids to town for the spring carnival. They were dressed up as trees in costumes they had made at school, decorated with tinfoil and crepe paper flowers and cardboard butterflies. Kevin's was painted in conventional tree colours, and Pauline's was BRIGHT Barbie-doll pink!

There was music and horse-drawn carts, giggling children in brilliant costumes, and bright flowers, streamers and confetti everywhere. They absolutely loved it. We paraded through village for about an hour, with police escorts fore and aft, and then made our way to the community hall for a free afternoon tea (big bag of cakes and sweets for each child) and children's disco. When the dancing began the dads all slipped outside to watch a soccer match, and we mums danced with our kids to young people's music (of which I was able to identify the Spice Girls only). That is, Kevin ran madly around the hall with his pal Bastien and Pauline held my hands and her bag of goodies and jumped up and down for about 20 minutes without stopping. They were as red as little tomatoes by the time we left! They even managed the long walk home and were absolutely zonked by evening.

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