Friday, February 17, 1995


Kevin's First Tooth, Day Trip to Normandy

My darling Kevin,

We’re very excited because you cut your first tooth today! You were very grumpy this morning and I couldn’t figure out why until you started sucking my finger and I felt a very sharp little incisor poking through your lower gum. You’re 8 months old now, and extremely talkative. You started saying “Dadadada” weeks and weeks ago, so your Daddy was very pleased, and I was rather jealous! But now you say “Mum-mum-mum” as well, so everybody’s happy.

This afternoon we went shopping at the supermarket, but instead of putting you in your pushchair as usual, we sat you in the baby seat of the shopping trolley for the first time. You really seemed to enjoy it, but Carrefour is so exciting for you with all the lights, noise, colours and people rushing around, that you fell asleep while waiting in line at the check-out.

A few weeks ago Steph and Belette came for dinner. You hadn’t seen them for quite a while and were a little shy with them at first. But they soon had you smiling and laughing, and Steph clicked her tongue at you, which you imitated very successfully (and still do!).

You can now sit up all by yourself and when you lean forwards or sideways to pick up a toy, you usually recover your balance easily. However, I keep you surrounded with cushions or my legs, as you still tip over backwards sometimes.

Your newest trick is great fun! I put you on the floor on your tummy and you push very hard with both arms, but obviously your right arm is slightly stronger, as you always roll over onto your left side and then onto your back. I have to put you back on your tummy and then you do it over and over again! Once on your back, especially if I take your legs out of your pyjamas, you love to hold onto your feet (both at once!) and play with your toes. This enables you to roll easily from side to side.

Your hair is still brown, but becoming fairer, almost blond in parts. Your eyes are very dark brown, with beautiful, long lashes.

Last week I bought a lightweight, folding buggy and I was able to take you on the bus, the RER and then train to Normandy, where we visited Sylvie and Benjamin. They were very happy to see us, especially you, and you charmed us all with your loud laughs and chuckles. I think you enjoyed the train trip very much; I was able to feed you easily and you even fell asleep for an hour.

One of your favourite toys at the moment is a plastic laundry basin turned upside-down, upon which you drum with a wooden spoon. Then you like to hurl it from the sofa to the floor!

Méemée and Pépé bought you a high chair for Christmas and we all like having you sit up to table at the same level as us. You like slamming your hands on the tray table and sucking on the various toys we attach with ribbons. When you throw the toys overboard, they don’t land on the floor!

You have become extremely dextrous with your fingers, and now when we give you soft toys and stuffed animals to play with, you are usually more interested in the little white label stitched into the seam, than in the toy itself. You happily finger the label for several minutes at a time.

You eat big meals now too, of puréed meat and vegetables, fruit compôtes and Petits Suisses at lunch time. You still have three bottles of milk per day, but you drink water and fruit juice out of a cup.

I almost forgot to say that you now enjoy your musical toys much more than a few months ago. When you were very small, the noisy toys scared you, but now they make you laugh!

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